diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Trip to Lleida - The border between Aragó and Catalunya

This winter I went to Lleida with my sister and some ornithologists to see the border between Aragó and Catalunya. There's the Noguera river, where you can see landscapes that seems like from a fanatsy story. We passes de border through a bridge that moves a lot because it's not subjected from the middle part, so it moves when it's windy. There's a ladder made of wood that's subjected on a wall, and that ladder it's not recommended for cardiac people.We saw lots of birds and very rare ones.

Apart from that, the water had a very strange colour, it wasn't blu nor green, it was turquoise because of the rocks. The photo that i'm going to show you has not been modified by photoshop or any program like that, the photo shows the water colour as it's shown naturally.

Here I leave you some interesting photos and see the beauty of this dream landscape. 

In this photo you can see the Noguera river. The left part of the territory is Aragó and the right one is Catalunya.

This bridge is the one that moves a lot when it's windy

This is the ladder where cardiacs can have an attack. My personal experinece is that you have to be very brave to arrive at the end of this nightmare ladder.

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