diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Returning to voleiball

Latelly I've been thinking about sports that I've done, and of them is voleiball. This sport makes me remind very happy moments playing with my friends and enjoying playing against other voleiball teams from other catalan locations (Girona, Vidreres, Castelló d'Empúries,...). Since that moment, I decided to restart with this sport and continue my advancing. This time I went with the veteran team of St. Pere Pesacdor, where adult people play in it, but friends of my age too. When I started it was quite diffciult to practice again, and I learnt how to do the 'positions', where each player has one of the six position of the voleiball field. This consists of normal rotating, but when your team serves you must change for your principla position, and at the beggining is like doing maths classes, but when you get used to it it's not that diffcult than it seems when you start.

Now a friend of mine that played with me years ago voleiball has come to team, and now he's learning the 'positions', ans I'm very happy to play with him and my other friends again in this fantastic team sport.

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