diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Can the internet make the world a better place?

I actually think that the Internet, including the technologies and social media can make the world a better place, mainly because people who live away from others can establish a comunication and knoe each other.
Nowadays the internet saved lots of people's lives; for example, the avalcnhe of the refugees is increasing and a lot of people die everyday among the refugees, but thanks to their mobile phones they're able to connect on the internet and wifi to request help and communiacte with their family.
Now the question is: Is the internet well used? I don't agree about that internet is being well used; in fact, I think that the internet has its advantages and benefits (it can be very powerful), but it's used only for fun: watching videos, post and comment photos, and that kind of things that normal people do. But we've forgotten about all the poeple that die  everyday in Africa and other poor states, and the climate change; that's why we must consider that we can do more than we realize.
In conclusion, Internet is a powerful tool that can save a lor of people's lives and counter the climate change, that can save a alot of animal's lives too; the problem is that people don't accept the reality and think for themselves, that's why mankind must make a big change, not only in the material world, in the phychological world too.

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