diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Research project - Abstract

My research project consists of the study and examination of the different types of dried fruit and nuts. This work has a first theoretical part which explains the general concept of the fatty acids, specifying he differences between the saturated and the unsaturated ones, and it includes a part of the benefits that this type of food can provide to our body. On the hand, there is a practical part, shich consists of an experiment made with acetone and dried fruit, so we could mix them and extract the fatty acids from each of them, that let us study which of the dried fruit has more fatty acids and other nutritional information that helped me to match the results of the experiment.

The main objective of this project is to match each dried fruit, learn to use different laboratory tools, and establish the different benefits of this peculiar food. My aims were fully completed and analized.

Here we can see the fatty acids extraction of the pistachios. This green color makes the liquid seem like a rare potion.

This photo shows us the fatty acids extraction of the nuts. As you can see, it's almost colorless.

-You can see my TDR presentation in the classroom on the post 'Research project presentation' or clicking HERE

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