diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

What is climate change?


Planet's climte have been changing in the last years. It have been proved that in the past temperatures had been much higher and lower, but this temperature cicle change is ocurring more rapidly than it did, that's human's indusrties fault.

Tha 'greenhouse effect' refers to the way some UV radiation pass through the atmosphere and bounce back to the space, but in this case this radiation is bounced again to the Earth's surface, that entails rising of the goblal temperatures.
This are the main gases that cause the greenhouse effect, and the global warming.

Greenhouse gases

So this proves that human beings are causing this effect, just because the industry and fossil fuel use (vehicles, factories,...) that spread this gases to the atmosphere, making our planet hotter and uninhabitable for some species.
If we don't stop this effect nw, it will cause an important climate change that will bring us serious effects for human's health; if CO2 increases, polar ice cap will melt more than it does and that will cause an increase of the ocean altitude level and will make some habitable places uninhabitable.

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