diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015


Another film of the James Bond saga. This film carry on with Skyfall.
So Spectre talks about an associacion that tries to kill James Bons and his superiors. He goes to Italy, where he finds one of the spies of this organitzation called Spectre, and he chases him, making lots of explosions and big fight scenes.
He investigate all this org. with a Frenchwoman, they fall in love and make that things that everyone does .
Finally, they go to Marroco and they find a meteor that it's collision with the surface made a big crater. 
He discover who is the boss of this org. (I don't wanna be a spoiler), but it's very unexècted, it's shocking.

I recommend it to poeple who like James Bond films, they are very peculiar and just some poeple like them truedly. There are lots of action scenes and you may get lost in the history, because they go Austria, then to Marroco, then to Italy, and the to Marroco again,.. it's very confusing at the beggining, so be ready to be muddled if you're going to watch it. The special effectes are awsome.

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