diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Les Estunes

A few weeks ago i went to Banyoles to do a trip with my family around the Banyoles lake.
First, we passed near 'La font pudosa', which is a fountain that oozes an horiible tasty water, you can taste it but it's very disgusting. This is cuase by the minerals that the water pass through, that rocks contain sulphides that make the water taste like rotten eggs.

Then, we continued the route passing through a lot of lagoons and ponds. A few moments later, we arrived to Les Estunes, an amount of rifts that you can get into and explore them until you arrive to the end of the fissure.
This fissures are very very cool! When I got into there, it was like a journey to the center of the earth. For me this experience was amazing, I've seen eriosonated rocks and passed through very narrow rifts, that if you look up, you can see the light from the outside, I recomend it t everyone.

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