diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Apple or Pear shaped body?


Nowadays beauty is an important topic that everyone tries to have in count, but not everyone is satisfied with their bodies.
Studies proved that there are womans who are apple shaped (their fat focus above the waist) and pear shaped (their fat focus below tha waist).

Scientists say that this kind of shapes are mostly given genetically, but are strenghted by eating too much junk food, called eating disorders.
Pear shaped womens are less satisfied with their bodies than the pear shaped ones. Also, apple shaped womens sometimes they feel a loss-of-control, that's because depending on when the fat in focused, you may have more losses of control or less. Also, apple shaped is worse than pear shaped because the fat focuse above the waist, and that bring some cardiovascular problems .
The best way to keep this away is eating healthy food and doing sport, then the result will be 
completely satisfactory.

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