diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay part 2

The mockingjay is the last book of the trilogy called The Hunger Games.
This trilogy talks about the human being in the future, where President snow ( a despot man who controls the twelve districts) tries to exterminate the rebelion against the Capitol.
Katniss is a poor girl who lives in the district 12 (the poorest district), where her sister was called to go to the Hunger Games, but she put up and made herself the chosen one, together with Peeta ( a baker).

The Mockingjay Part 2 talks about Katniss, where she and the rebels decide to go to the Capitol and kill President Snow. Along the way they will find lots of difficulties, and some important characters die (I don't want to be a spoiler).
So I recommend it to everyone who have seen the other films. I didn't even read the books, i don't really know if the film is good adapted with the book, but the sci-fi effects are really good.

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