diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

The Visit

This film talks about two kids, that settle down in thei grandparents house for one week becuase their parents go on hollydays in a ship.
This is suposed to be a scary film, but I laughed a lot, and my friend did to, so if you want to laugh, you must watch it.
When the night falls, strange things happens in the house, the grandmother is kind of sick, and the grandparent is sick too. The kids try to communicate to thei mother, but the mother doesn't believe them.
When the kids show the grandparents to their mother with the camera, the mother says that those poeple aren't her parents, so the kids try to run aways, but they can't.
The final is very awsome, but i don't wanna spoil anything.

I recoment it, it's a very good film, you laugh and in some scenes you get shocked, but it's a good film, the plot is very interesting.

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