dissabte, 6 de juny del 2015

Presentation - Chemical Weapons

My presentaion talks about Chemicals Weapons. In my presentaion (Icouldn't put the video because it's too big) I explained which types of chemical weapons there are and a little bit of story. Also, I mentioned what repercussion had in Spain this last years.
The most important for me in the presentation is what effects have in the environment and the risks that it have.

In my presentation I shouls improve my  nerves and try to speak more and don't stuck too much while talking. For me I was quite good in this one, the thing that make me happy is that I improved since my last one.

I hope you enjoy my prezi and presentation and discover the world of chemical weapons, it's very interesting and entertaining.

Here is the video of the oral presentation, it took a lot of time to get put in youtube but finally is here:

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