diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015

Have we made our world a better place?

In this world that we live , our houses, our town or city, ... seen to be good for us and we think that we're doing good in progress and renovation of the planet, but it's not. I don't agree at all that we have made the world a better place than before.

First, I'd like to say that 7 billion people in only 1 planet, like Earth, is too much. This massive concentration of people all around the planet has been a hard shock to our own planet, we're polluting the seas and the soils just to have a better life, but that's not fair for the animals which live with us.

Second, since wars have been started through this latest years, we have polluted and radioactivated lots of places around the world and all life forms have been wiped out in a very short time. We are contaminating our planet just for the money and power.

In conclusion, we must stop all these issues to make our world a better place. We ill never live in a better planet at least we make a BIG CHANGE, to save our animals and our son's future. I'd like that when I have a s on or a daughter, they could have experimented and connected with the nature.

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