diumenge, 1 de març del 2015

The Gameband Lets Players Take Minecraft On The Move


This news talks about the new gameband that Microsoft have created to Minecraft players. This gameband is used to bring information from the game from one cpmuter to another, it's like a pen drive but the hardware is inside the bracelet without takin damage lose it easily.
This innovation have amazed Minecreaft players, because now they can have their minecraft masterpieces in their bracelet, so they can show it any time to any computer, like showing it to your minecraft friends.
This wearable pendrive have calendar, hour and a lot of more things.
It have 8GB of memory and it can be processed to Windows, Linux and MAC OS, most important OS.
It have a cost of $ 79.99 = 71 €

It is said that this gameband is going to be more and more popular through the time.

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