diumenge, 1 de març del 2015

Apple Watch To Start Shipping in April


This news it's describing how Apple have given his word that the new Apple Watch (Smartwatch or iWatch) is going to be on sale in April.
A lot of poeple waited for this news, because as you can see in the news, Apple have already said that this new article would be shipping, but no when or where.
This watch is a revolution in the world of technology, because it's a dispositive where you can see you e-mails, connecting to internet, more or less like a tablet but smaller; it's very efficient.

In my opinion, I wasn't waiting for this article, I've heard about it in TV, but I'm not interested because with laptops i have enough.

This watch costs nearly of $349 = 312 €, and it's said that it weigh 122.5 g only, that's incredible for the things that it can do for you, but it's very very expensive.

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