diumenge, 1 de març del 2015


One of my favourite horror films is Insidious. I'm gonna talk about the first movie, because the second didn't like me so much, I had more fun and laughing than horror and fear.

This movie talks about a family which lives in a mistery house. The child who lives with his parents have strange dreams with demons who attack him and sometimes he faint. His parents are so anxious, so they call the mother's sister to talk with her and see what they can do, but she feels an evil energy in that house and in that family, and she is worried about her sister, the mother.
The family finally call a medium, an old woman who help them to expel the evil spirit from the house. The kid seems to feel good and everything it's going right but there are some mistery things and sounds that seems to be very evil, so there are some more than an evil spirit.

Thsi film liked me so much, i jumped a couple of times becuase of the shocks, but it's very good filmed and the story seems to be very imaginative and sometimes real. Since the movie starts, you heart starts to beat faster, and you feel anxious all aong the film As I sais, the second it's not good than the first one, but you can laugh a little bit with your friends. I recomend it for everyone, it's a nice film and you spent very scary moments.

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