divendres, 20 de març del 2015

Formal letter

                                                                                                                          13, C. Delícies
                                                                                                                           St. Pere Pescador
                                                                                                                          13th March 2015

 Town contamination
Mayor house
St. Pere Pescdor

Dear Mayor,

I would like to communicate that all of our nature parks are very polluted. A lot of people I know complained a lot because the 'Aiguamolls' are dirty, thrashy and there are plastics, ...

I suggest that unemployed people shall clean the nature parks and the beaches, latelly there were lots of plastics. If you go to St. Pere's beach, it doesn't look like our beach, it's thrashy and dirtier than before. It's a good idea, because we can keep our planet clean and unemployed people would have a minimum salary that they can use to survive the crisis and live a better life.

I trust you will do something to regard it, you know that noone like pollution and artificial plastics in our nature parks.

Yours sincerely,
John Young  

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