divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014

The Little Mermaid - Updated

Once upon a time, a little mermaid lived happily in the middle of the sea with her parents. One day, she wanted to investigate the coast and see humans, but unfortunately, a man with his son, the young boy was about 14 years old, saw her, but the little mermaid didn't see them. The man with his son had a boat, because he went fishing a lot of times, and they caught a lot of fish and food.
In fact, the man went for the little mermaid and he, finally, he caught her. When they were reaching the coast with the little mermaid, she was shouting and screaming calling help, and the little boy heard her. He went to talk with her, and he was super surprised, because the boy didn't know that the mermaids could talk with the humans. The mermaid told him that she needed to go, because her father will get angry if she didn't return to her land. The boy understood her, and he invented a plan to free her, but they must wait to arrive to the coast. When the man and his son arrived to the coast, they brought the little mermaid to their house, and put her in the swimming pool. The little mermaid tried to go out of the pool, and she made it, but then, she wasn't able to walk, because she had a fish tail.

At the next morning, the boy woke up early to save the little mermaid, but she wasn't there. She disappeared. The boy was getting anxious, and he ran away to the street if she was there, but there wasn't no one.
In the afternoon, he was looking at the street from his window, and saw a little girl with red hair, just like the little mermaid, and very beautiful. The boy ran to her and asked her if she was the little mermaid. The red hair girl started to run when she saw the boy, but she wasn't enough fast to escape from the boy, and he jumped over her and caught her, and for a moment, they kissed for no reason.
They asked each other what's their name. The boy's name is John, and the girl's one is Jane.

John and Jane were in a relationship, and they hang out every night to the disco and the cinema. But one day, his father asked him what he was doing at night, the boy lied, and said that he was studying, but his father knew the truth, he knew that he helped the little mermaid to escape and he was having a relationship with her. The next time that she appeared with the boy, he will sell her to the market for thousands of dollars. The boy caught the message, and he ran away to her and told her the problem. She was very sad, and decided to break up, and the little mermaid kissed the boy for the last time in her life. The boy did that just to save Jane because he loved her, and he will never see her again, and the little mermaid cried a lot all over the next year, but she sometimes go to the coast carefully, to see if she could see her true love again.

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