diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

My fovourite nature element

My favourite element of the nature and is the FIRE.

I like the fire because i think it's the most powerful element of the four (water, earth, fire and air). The pople say that there are only 4 elemnts in the earth, but some poeple says that there are more, like the darkness and the light, or the metal. This elements were invented in China, and they continue using the seven elements, but in Europe and America no.
A lot of people prefer the water, but i think so. There are a lot of TV series that are based in the elements or movies, or the colours; fire is red, water is blue, earth is green, air is white - blue, light is white, darkness is black and metal is dark violet. i've heared that some people says that there are about more than seven elements in the earth, like the lightning, but i think it isn't true, because some of these elemnts are made by the mix of the principal elements.

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