diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

Port Aventura

Port Aventura is one of the most famous attraction parks in the world, now here's why.
A lot of attraction in Port Aventura have broken the limits in Europe, like Shambla, that it was made a few years ago, and is the most taller attraction in Europe, about 76 meters. Furius baco is one of the most fastest attractions in the Europe, overpassing the 135Km/h.
And we can't forget Huracan Cóndor. This attraction is one of the most exciting in the world, when I got on and then fell with high velocity, it was indescribable. I hope to return in Port Aventura soon, because you can have experineces that you'll never forget in your whole life, guaranteet !


One of my favourites musics are Pop music, that it means it's popular. I listen music like Avicii, David Guetta, etc.
I don't only like pop, i also like some rock songs, like Ramones, or AC/DC. I like so much this music because I feel good when i listen to them.
Pop music helps me to focus on my homework, sometimes, and it's funnier to do homework or study with music than without.
When I was doing first of ESO, i was wearing long hair and rock clothes with my friends, but I changed, but some songs i stil like them, they are not bad at all.

My fovourite nature element

My favourite element of the nature and is the FIRE.

I like the fire because i think it's the most powerful element of the four (water, earth, fire and air). The pople say that there are only 4 elemnts in the earth, but some poeple says that there are more, like the darkness and the light, or the metal. This elements were invented in China, and they continue using the seven elements, but in Europe and America no.
A lot of people prefer the water, but i think so. There are a lot of TV series that are based in the elements or movies, or the colours; fire is red, water is blue, earth is green, air is white - blue, light is white, darkness is black and metal is dark violet. i've heared that some people says that there are about more than seven elements in the earth, like the lightning, but i think it isn't true, because some of these elemnts are made by the mix of the principal elements.


I love playing videogames in my free time, when I enden all my work. My favourite games are role games, but i like shooting games too.
My first videogame that i playied was Tomb Raider, the first 3D game in the history. That game was very popular in 1996, but now not at all. I learned a lot of english with that game.
My favourite shooting is Call of Duty, that is very famous among the society. There are a lot of Call of Duty games, but my favourite are the Modern Warfares. The most games console used is the PS3, is the best console i've ever used, but the PC is very usefull too, because you can listen music, surf the internet, and a lor of things.

Reasons why independence will help you with your relationship


This news talks about how you can make your relationship with your partner, and the most importnat concept is the independence. The independence helps you to follow your own emotions, not that your partner controll all your emotions and what are you doing. Focusing your-self helps you helps you to go further in your life, because if you focus on other person, you can lose your own controll.

If you explore and find new things withour your partner helps you a lot to dont get upset with your partner, now that you can find new hobbies, and then enjoy it with your partner if you want. One of the last things that will say in the news, if that if you want to love someone else, you must love your-self, because you self esteeme is very importnat to give your love to anyone.

Change Is Good


This news talks about that the changes are not bad for you. We fear the changes because we fear the unknown, and sometimes we do this with our friends, we are not the persones who we are used to be.
Here are some reasons that the changes are good:

-Because you need to learn more. The teaching is more important and usefull that we used to think, learn new things that you like, like how do they make viedogames or somethings like that, and meet new friends and learn together. The learning makes you a different persone, a more cultured.

-You must focus on you, because you can't allow that other people influnce you and makes you change in a persone that you naturally are not. You must make your choice of your life and the people who will accept you, they are the good friends.

-Your dreams, you and your imagination are unstoppable. You must go where your heart makes you go, see new places and views, see and feel new experiences. In your free time, you must do what your dreams and imagination make you go.

What says The Horoscope about me

The horoscope it's a theory that talks about the people and their personality, that it's related in the position of the celestiaals bodies and stars.
I borned in 11th of November, so my horoscope says that i'm Scorpion. The Scorpion is brave, noble and invencible. Friend of their friends at 100%, but relentless with his enemies. He has extreme passions, is pleased and trust in his courage. He is appasioned in to live the life, he is imaginative, positive and hard to beat. His color is the red, his herbs the aloe and hamamelis and his metals, the iron.

Chee Seng & Trace

Chee Seng and Trace are two teenagers who grow up in an unusual way. Both of them have a family that doesn't understand them. They wish to be popular and appreciated for the cool and beautiful people. Their parents are divorced and the situation is somewhat irregular.
However, Chee Seng has a stronger girlfriend's relationship compared with Trace. Trace lost the control of her life easier than Chee Seng, because her mother  didn't care about her and she needed to be the center of attention. Finally, despite of all the difficulties, Chee Seng's parents get remake and he goes through all these problems. Trace has not such a good luck and she stays alone with her mother and her brother, she never goes through her problems and she cuts herself (mind disease caused for the low self-esteem).

A Strange Dream

One day, I dreamed that i was skating with my sister in the park of Sant Pere Pescador. She was saying that i must go faster, but I couldn't do it. Then, i remember that the floor was very wet, and then we went in a natural park, but I don't know where it was. We were skating there, very fast, but it was getting dangerous, because there was ways of rock and little stones, and there were other cemented. With the skaters you can only pass the cemented way, and there was a lot of plants and thorns, and I don't like too much the thorns. Then, in front of me there was a curve, and I tried to do to the right, but i slipped and fell into the thorns. It was very horrible, i was like if I was feeling the thorns scratching me,it was unbearable.

divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014

The Little Mermaid - Updated

Once upon a time, a little mermaid lived happily in the middle of the sea with her parents. One day, she wanted to investigate the coast and see humans, but unfortunately, a man with his son, the young boy was about 14 years old, saw her, but the little mermaid didn't see them. The man with his son had a boat, because he went fishing a lot of times, and they caught a lot of fish and food.
In fact, the man went for the little mermaid and he, finally, he caught her. When they were reaching the coast with the little mermaid, she was shouting and screaming calling help, and the little boy heard her. He went to talk with her, and he was super surprised, because the boy didn't know that the mermaids could talk with the humans. The mermaid told him that she needed to go, because her father will get angry if she didn't return to her land. The boy understood her, and he invented a plan to free her, but they must wait to arrive to the coast. When the man and his son arrived to the coast, they brought the little mermaid to their house, and put her in the swimming pool. The little mermaid tried to go out of the pool, and she made it, but then, she wasn't able to walk, because she had a fish tail.

At the next morning, the boy woke up early to save the little mermaid, but she wasn't there. She disappeared. The boy was getting anxious, and he ran away to the street if she was there, but there wasn't no one.
In the afternoon, he was looking at the street from his window, and saw a little girl with red hair, just like the little mermaid, and very beautiful. The boy ran to her and asked her if she was the little mermaid. The red hair girl started to run when she saw the boy, but she wasn't enough fast to escape from the boy, and he jumped over her and caught her, and for a moment, they kissed for no reason.
They asked each other what's their name. The boy's name is John, and the girl's one is Jane.

John and Jane were in a relationship, and they hang out every night to the disco and the cinema. But one day, his father asked him what he was doing at night, the boy lied, and said that he was studying, but his father knew the truth, he knew that he helped the little mermaid to escape and he was having a relationship with her. The next time that she appeared with the boy, he will sell her to the market for thousands of dollars. The boy caught the message, and he ran away to her and told her the problem. She was very sad, and decided to break up, and the little mermaid kissed the boy for the last time in her life. The boy did that just to save Jane because he loved her, and he will never see her again, and the little mermaid cried a lot all over the next year, but she sometimes go to the coast carefully, to see if she could see her true love again.