dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016

Summer job

As I mentioned last year in my blog, I'm going to wok with my father in Frigoss Inn. This job consists of delivering and people can rent a fridge in their camping pitch. This little enterprise has different job places, in other words, there's people who work on cleaing the fridges that arrive from other customers and must be delivered again to other clients, also people who drive the van and care of the road situation, a person who picks up the phone and make reservations, and a person who accompanies that van driver and talks with the people and explain the fridge operation and make money trade as well.
My job is to accompany the driver and talk with the clients and explain them the fridge opeation, and make money trades as well, so for em is a very good learning phase because I mostly talk in english with the clients and I also practice french and a little bit of italian in some situations. Also, I spend very good moments with the clients and I enjoy talking in english, specially with british people because when they say that you speak very good enlish you're very pleased.

In conlclusion, I hope that this year is going to be very enjoyable, but hard as well because the last week of July and the first of August are very tiring.

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