dijous, 15 d’octubre del 2015

TED TALKS - Your bady language shapes who you are

This presentation talks about a women, Amy Cuddy, that explian how our bady language can shape us without realizing it. Other people judge other people before knowing them, for example, when there's fat persons in the class or in the street, people laugh at them, maybe they are better persons than others that look handsom.

Another topic that this woman talks about is that out bady language may change how we see ourselves. All these postures to watch ourselves can affect our testosterone or cortisol in pur brains, and that can impact on our chances to success. 

All bady language can affect us and our seld-esteem, so what Amy Cuddy is trying to do is that we believe in our self ans just for a moment fake that we are doing what we wish to do (a job, a drem,...) and then if can realize that you are doing it in your imagination, you can do it in the real life; you must experience it when you're having andOut-of-body experience.  

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