diumenge, 12 d’octubre del 2014

Review - Tomb Raider

My favourite adventure movie is: Lara Croft Tomb Raider. I've seen it eight or nine years ago nearly, and I loved that movie, and the actress, who is Angelina Jolie, was very hot in that movie, i felt in love of her. The first film of Tomb Raider is called 'Lara Croft : Tomb Raider', and talks about the story of Lara Croft, who her father is was murdered by his bussines man, cauze he was working in a secret company, exploring the world's uncharted places. Lara must recover the legendary clock, that shows the time it last for the alineation of the planets, and the two pieces of the triangle to stop the Iluminatis to take the controll of the whole solar sistem, and then destroy it all.

The second film it's called 'Lara Croft Tomb Raider : The Cradle of Life'. It talks about the history of the ancient Greece, where is a key with an orb form and gold that Lara Croft founds in the deep of the Mediterranean Ocean. Lara fight with a lot of chinese people, just to get the key and get into the Cardle of Life, that it's located in Africa. In the Cradle of Life, there is an ancient box called 'Pandora', and it contains a giant power, that can destroy the whole planet, but Lara can stop them, and save the world.

Here you have the Trailer of the first movie:

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