divendres, 24 d’octubre del 2014

This Is What A Home On Mars Is Going To Look Like


This news talks about how the humnity can live outside the Earth, and the first place that the NASA are going to prove the prototype habitat is in Hawaii, to see how space crews would handle living on our neighboring planet.
In this living prototype will be six bedrooms, six barhrooms too, a kitchen, solar panels to recover energy from the sunlight, etc., that will be a multiple person living home. With this proof, they will see if the humans can live in Mars planet if we use our advanced techonology to create houses in extremely climate temperatures,the people cannot go outside the house without a spacesuits.
This mission will provide insight useful to journeys to Mars, which are slated for the next 20 years.

Here we can see the prototype habitat:


The bedrooms:


And the kitchen:


I agree with this mission, i am so excited to see what happen in Mars with that especial house and that people, maybe we can discover if there was life in Mars and check it out. I hope that mission will success
and that people can rettur to our planet, and then, we must try it to the other possible planets, sure the humans can go live in other planets and discover new life forms.

diumenge, 12 d’octubre del 2014

Review - Tomb Raider

My favourite adventure movie is: Lara Croft Tomb Raider. I've seen it eight or nine years ago nearly, and I loved that movie, and the actress, who is Angelina Jolie, was very hot in that movie, i felt in love of her. The first film of Tomb Raider is called 'Lara Croft : Tomb Raider', and talks about the story of Lara Croft, who her father is was murdered by his bussines man, cauze he was working in a secret company, exploring the world's uncharted places. Lara must recover the legendary clock, that shows the time it last for the alineation of the planets, and the two pieces of the triangle to stop the Iluminatis to take the controll of the whole solar sistem, and then destroy it all.

The second film it's called 'Lara Croft Tomb Raider : The Cradle of Life'. It talks about the history of the ancient Greece, where is a key with an orb form and gold that Lara Croft founds in the deep of the Mediterranean Ocean. Lara fight with a lot of chinese people, just to get the key and get into the Cardle of Life, that it's located in Africa. In the Cradle of Life, there is an ancient box called 'Pandora', and it contains a giant power, that can destroy the whole planet, but Lara can stop them, and save the world.

Here you have the Trailer of the first movie:

The rebel song : The Ramones (Sha la la la)


ENGLISH                                                                         CATALÀ

Sha-la-la-la                                                                          Sha-la-la-la   
Sha-la-la-la-la-la                                                                  Sha-la-la-la-la-la

Ships are docking                                                                Els vaixells estan atracant
Planes are landing                                                                Els avions estan aterrant 
A never ending supply                                                         Uns subministraments infinits

No more narco                                                                    No més narcotraficants
No more gangster                                                                No més gàngsters    
Conservatives can cry                                                          Els conservadors poden plorar

I took the law and threw it away                                         He agafat la llei i la llençada
Cause there's nothing wrong                                               Perque no hi ha res mal fet
It's just for play                                                                   Només es per jugar
Theres no law, no law anymore                                          No hi ha més llei, no més llei mai més
I want to steal from the rich and                                         Vull robar dels rics i
Give to the poor                                                                  Donar-lis als pobres   

Sha-la-la-la                                                                          Sha-la-la-la
Sha-la-la-la-la-la                                                                  Sha-la-la-la-la-la

It was glowing, glowing, glowing                                        Estava brillant, brillant, brillant
Glowing in the dark                                                              Brillant a la foscor
It was sparkling, sparkling, sparkling                                   Estava llampegant, llampegant, llampegant
Sparking in the night                                                             Llampegant a la nit
I took the law & threw it away                                             He agafat la llei i la he llençada               Cause there's nothing wrong                                                 Perque no hi ha res mal fet
It's just for play                                                                     Només per jugar

Theres no law, no law anymore                                            No hi ha més llei, no més llei mai més
I want to steal from the rich and                                           Vull robar dels rics i
Give to the poor                                                                     donarl-lis als pobres

Winter turns to summer                                                        l'Hivern es torna estiu
Sadness turns to fun                                                              La tristesa es torna en felicitat
Keep the faith, baby                                                              Manté la fe, estimada
You broke the rules and won                                                Has trencad les regles i has guanyat

Sha-la-la-la                                                                            Sha-la-la-la
Sha-la-la-la-la-la                                                                    Sha-la-la-la-la-la

Keep it glowing, glowing,glowing                                        Manté brillant, brillant, brillant
I'm not hurting anyone                                                          Ja no estic fent mal
Keep it glowing, smoking, glowing                                      Manté brillant, brillant, brillant
I'm howling at the moon                                                       Estic odulant a la lluna
I took the law & threw it away                                              He agafat la llei i la he llençada
Cause there's nothing wrong                                                 Perque no hi ha res mal fet
It's just for play                                                                     Només es per jugar
Theres no law, no law anymore                                             Ja no hi més llei, no més llei mai més
I want to steal from the rich and                                            Vull robar dels rics i
Give to the poor                                                                     Donar-lis als pobres

Oh baby                                                                                  Oh estimada
Oh baby                                                                                  Oh estimada
Oh baby                                                                                  Oh estimada
Oh baby                                                                                  Oh estimada

I took the law and threw it away                                            He agafat la llei i la he llençada
Cause there's nothing wrong                                                  Perque no hi ha res mal fet
It's just for play                                                                      Només es per jugar

I'm smoking, baby                                                                  Estic fumant, estimada
I'm smoking, oh baby                                                             Estic fumant, oh estimada

Theres no law, no law anymore                                             Ja no hi ha més llei, no més llei mai més
I want to steal from the rich and                                            Vull robar dels rics i
Give to the poor                                                                      donar-lis als pobres

Sha-la-la-la                                                                            Sha-la-la-la
Sha-la-la-la-la-la                                                                    Sha-la-la-la-la-la

divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014

The summer

I love the summer, it's my fovourite season of the year, because it is sunny, you dont have to go at school and you enjoy a lot going to the beach, it's refreshing. I like it too because I love ice creams and hang out with my friends, like ridding bike.

My my mother and my father works a lot in the summer, that means that i must care of the house and my dogs, they come bock to work nearly at 9 pm. When i start the school, I don't like it in at begging, but at the final I like  so much, beaucse i know that summer is coming and you can have a lot of free time, and go to swiming pool and the beach.