divendres, 7 de març del 2014

ROMEO & JULIET (chapters 1-3)

Juilet speaks to Romeo on the balcony of her home
Tybalt always fight with a sword 
Romeo's love is blind
The lovers are fools
Romeo wants to be Juliet's glove
Friar Laurence knows about poisonous plants
Mercutio died of a scratch
The friar is Lord Montague's friend
Tybalt challenged Romeo
The friar sleeps in a cell
Capulet's family hates Montague's family


1. Una rosa pot tenir qualsevol nom. Sempre fa una olor dolça
A rose can have any name. Always smells good

2. Els enamorats són tontos
The lovers are fools

3. M'encantaria veure la Juliet casada. Tindràs dies feliços i nits felices.
I would like so much to see Juliet married. You will have happy days, and happy nights.

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