Every night in my dreams Cada nit en els meus somnis
I see you, I feel you et veig, et sento
That is how I know you go on. així es com se com vas.
Far across the distance lluny a través de la distancia
and spaces between us i llocs entre nosaltres
You have come to show you go on. has vingut a demostrar que vas
Near, Far, A prop, lluny,
wherever you are, on siguis
I believe that the heart does go on. Jo confio que el cor continuarà
Once more, you opened the door Una altre, vegada, tu obres la porta
And you're here in my heart, i tu estas aquí, en el meu cor,
and my heart will go on and on. i el meu cor continuarà i continuarà
Love can touch us one time L'amor ens pot tocar una vegada
and last for a lifetime i l'última per una temps de vida
And never let go till we're gone. i mai deixis que vagi mentres no hi es
Love was when I loved you, L'amor hi era quan t'estimava
one true time to hold on to una verdadera vegada per aferrar-se
In my life we'll always go on. a la meva vida sempre continuarem
Near, far, A prop, lluny,
wherever you are, on siguis
I believe that the heart does go on. jo confio que el cor continuarà
Once more, you opened the door Una altre, vegada, tu obres la porta
And you're here in my heart, i tu estas aquí, en el meu cor,
and my heart will go on and on. i el meu cor continuarà i continuarà
You're here, there's nothing I fear Tu estàs aquí,no tinc por a res
And I know that my heart will go on. i jo sé que el meu cor continuarà.
We'll stay, forever this way Ens quedarem,en el camí
You are safe in my heart tu estàs segur al meu cor
and my heart will go on and on. i el meu cor continuarà i continuarà.
divendres, 31 de gener del 2014
My new friend is Jade, she is fifteen, like me. She is from Françe, she talks very good French, she is a little bit tall. She has a blond hair and long. She likes go to adventures, and also, she likes a lot rolling-skating. She has a cat, a white cat with brown eyes.
Last weekend i went to walk with my dogs, before the lunch. For lnch, i ate meat with salad. After, we watched a film on TV, with one of my favourite actors. I went to bed at 11:00pm, i was very tired becasue me and my mym, made a cake. It was delicious!!
My new friend is Jade, she is fifteen, like me. She is from Françe, she talks very good French, she is a little bit tall. She has a blond hair and long. She likes go to adventures, and also, she likes a lot rolling-skating. She has a cat, a white cat with brown eyes.
Last weekend i went to walk with my dogs, before the lunch. For lnch, i ate meat with salad. After, we watched a film on TV, with one of my favourite actors. I went to bed at 11:00pm, i was very tired becasue me and my mym, made a cake. It was delicious!!
divendres, 24 de gener del 2014
Last Christmas
Last Christams i went to Belgium, my father's natality country. My family and me visited to my grandparent's house, we spent the majory of time there. Also, we watched ''The Hobbit'' in Kinépolis, a famous cinema in Europe in 3D. The quality was very good, also in Belgium. In the middle of the film, they have a pause of 15 minut, and you can go to the toilet or buy more pop corn.
We visited the Atomium, a very famous museum of the athoms, history of science,...

We visited the Atomium, a very famous museum of the athoms, history of science,...
divendres, 17 de gener del 2014
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